Preventing A/P, A/R, Expense Reimbursement, Payroll, and Online Sales Fraud (Currently Unavailable)

Are you doing everything you can to prevent fraud in your organization? These self-study courses provide a review of typical fraud schemes in the areas of accounts payable, accounts receivable, expense reimbursement, payroll, and online sales. Examples of actual frauds will be provided so you can understand how the frauds are being committed and how they were typically uncovered. Learn to develop internal controls to help prevent and detect them.

Online fraud costs businesses around the globe untold millions. In fact, organized crime is particularly fond of online fraud as the rewards are so great. What can companies do to prevent online fraud? How can technology play a role in online fraud prevention and detection? How can a company protect their online sales channel while simultaneously making it easy for customer to use the site? This webinar provides an overview of online fraud involving the theft of goods and services via a company's website. Participants will learn how best to protect their online sales channel, and what do to in the event that online fraud losses result.
Information will be provided about payroll frauds committed by employees as well as payroll frauds committed by management and company owners. Examples of actual frauds will be provided so participants can understand how the frauds are being committed and how they were uncovered.
This course is designed to review expense reimbursement frauds. We will review various methodologies for detecting expense reimbursement fraud and will discuss developing internal controls to help prevent and detect expense reimbursement fraud.
This course is designed to review the issue of accounts receivable frauds. Examples of actual frauds will be provided so participants can understand how the frauds are being committed and how they were uncovered. We will review various methodologies for detecting accounts receivable fraud and will discuss developing internal controls to help prevent and detect accounts receivable fraud.
Audit Concepts for Accounts Payable, Expenditures and Related Fraud Risks, looks at key considerations in risk assessment, internal control and the audit plan for the audit of Accounts Payable, expenditures and underlying fraud risk. Topics covered in this course include: risk assessment concepts related to accounts payable and expenditure testing; typical key controls related to the audit assertions for accounts payable and expenditures; audit assertions linked to related audit procedures; analytical review as a substantive procedure for expenditures; typical fraud schemes related to unauthorized expenditures and how to test them; efficient approaches for conducting the search for unrecorded liabilities; and appropriate documentation of work performed.
Total: 5 courses (10 CPE hours)

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