Nonprofit Taxes: UBIT and Form 990 (Currently Unavailable)

If you are a tax practitioner serving the nonprofit industry you need to understand the key tax issues that nonprofits face. One is handling the Unrelated Business Income Tax and the other is Preparing Form 990.

This Nonprofit Tax series includes:

The object of this course is to train both new and experienced staff accountants and other preparers to deal with the challenges of filing the Form 990 series of tax returns. You'll learn strategies to expedite the preparation of the return, electronic filing requirements, and how to navigate complex nonprofit taxation issues.
In 1950 Congress created the unrelated business income tax (UBIT), because it did not want nonprofits to have advantages over taxable entities that conduct the same activities. The law is confusing and is often misinterpreted by organizations and their tax professionals.
Total: 2 courses (4 CPE hours)

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