Detecting Fraud: Real World Cases (Currently Unavailable)

Learn how to detect fraud by reviewing real world cases. This package of fraud self-study courses covers various types of fraud including expense reimbursement fraud, payroll fraud, and cyberfraud. Plus procedures used to help prevent organizations from bring victimized.

This course is designed for individuals who would like to obtain a basic understanding of cyberfraud. We will discuss various types of cyberfrauds and how the criminals commit the frauds. We will review some of the legal and ethical implications involved.
This course is designed for individuals who would like to obtain a basic understanding of fraud. We will discuss various types of frauds and how the criminals commit the frauds. We will review some of the legal and ethical implications involved.
Information will be provided about payroll frauds committed by employees as well as payroll frauds committed by management and company owners. Examples of actual frauds will be provided so participants can understand how the frauds are being committed and how they were uncovered.
It sounds interesting, but what exactly is a forensic accountant and how does someone become one?
This course is designed for staff accountants, auditors, and bookkeepers who might encounter fraud during the normal course of their duties. We will review some of the basic issues involved in investigating fraud and determining if there is a predication for a fraud investigation.
Total: 5 courses (10 CPE hours)

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